
Magnetocapacitance oscillations dominated by giant Rashba spin orbit interaction in InAs/GaSb quantum wells separated by AlSb barrier
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
We observed magnetocapacitance oscillations in InAs/GaSb quantum wells separated by a $20$\,nm AlSb middle barrier. By realizing independent ohmic contacts for electrons in InAs and holes in the GaSb layer, we found an out-of-plane oscillatory response in capacitance representing the density of states of this system. We were able to tune the charge carrier densities by applying a DC bias voltage, identifying the formation of beating signatures for forward bias. The coexistence of two distinguishable two dimensional charge carrier systems of unequal densities was verified. The corresponding Landau phase diagram presents distinct features originating from the two observed densities. A giant Rashba coefficient ranging from $430-612$\,meV$\text{\AA}$ and large \textit{g}-factor value underlines the influence of spin orbit interaction.