
Cooperative effects in dense cold atomic gases including magnetic dipole interactions
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023147 (2024)
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
Quantum Physics
We theoretically investigate cooperative effects in cold atomic gases exhibiting both electric and magnetic dipole-dipole interactions, such as occurring for example in clouds of dysprosium atoms. We distinguish between the quantum degenerate case, where we take a many body physics approach and the quantum non-degenerate case, where we use the formalism of open system dynamics. For quantum non-degenerate gases, we illustrate the emergence of tailorable spin models in the high-excitation limit. In the low-excitation limit, we provide analytical and numerical results detailing the effect of magnetic interactions on the directionality of scattered light and characterize sub- and superradiant effects. For quantum degenerate gases, we study the interplay between sub- and superradiance effects and the fermionic or bosonic quantum statistics nature of the ensemble.