
Treelike interactions and fast scrambling with cold atoms
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 130601 (2019)
Quantum Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
We propose an experimentally realizable quantum spin model that exhibits fast scrambling, based on non-local interactions which couple sites whose separation is a power of 2. By controlling the relative strengths of deterministic, non-random couplings, we can continuously tune from the linear geometry of a nearest-neighbor spin chain to an ultrametric geometry in which the effective distance between spins is governed by their positions on a tree graph. The transition in geometry can be observed in quench dynamics, and is furthermore manifest in calculations of the entanglement entropy. Between the linear and treelike regimes, we find a peak in entanglement and exponentially fast spreading of quantum information across the system. Our proposed implementation, harnessing photon-mediated interactions among cold atoms in an optical cavity, offers a test case for experimentally observing the emergent geometry of a quantum many-body system.
Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (plus 7-page supplement with 4 figures)