
A chaotic long-lived vortex at Venus southern pole
Document Type
Working Paper
Nature Geoscience, vol. 6, p\'ags. 254-257 (2013)
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Polar vortices are common in the atmospheres of rapidly rotating planets [1-4]. On Earth and Mars they are tied to the surface and their existence follows the seasonal insolation cycle [1-3]. Venus is a slowly rotating planet but it is also known to have vortices at both poles at the edge of a superrotating atmosphere [5-8]. However, their nature and long-term properties have not been constrained so far impeding precise modeling. Here we report cloud motions at two altitude levels (about 42 km and 63 km above the surface) using infrared images from the VIRTIS instrument onboard Venus Express that show that the south polar vortex is a permanent but erratic and unpredictable feature. We find that the centers of rotation of the vortex at these levels rarely coincide and both wander erratically around the pole with speeds of up to 16 m s-1. The cloud morphology and vorticity patches are uncorrelated and change continuously developing transient areas of small vertical motions. Venus south polar vortex is a continuously evolving structure immersed in a baroclinic environment laying at altitude levels that have variable vertical and meridional wind shears, extending at least 20 km in height through a quasi-convective turbulent region.