
3D Laser-and-tissue Agnostic Data-driven Method for Robotic Laser Surgical Planning
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Robotics
In robotic laser surgery, shape prediction of an one-shot ablation cavity is an important problem for minimizing errant overcutting of healthy tissue during the course of pathological tissue resection and precise tumor removal. Since it is difficult to physically model the laser-tissue interaction due to the variety of optical tissue properties, complicated process of heat transfer, and uncertainty about the chemical reaction, we propose a 3D cavity prediction model based on an entirely data-driven method without any assumptions of laser settings and tissue properties. Based on the cavity prediction model, we formulate a novel robotic laser planning problem to determine the optimal laser incident configuration, which aims to create a cavity that aligns with the surface target (e.g. tumor, pathological tissue). To solve the one-shot ablation cavity prediction problem, we model the 3D geometric relation between the tissue surface and the laser energy profile as a non-linear regression problem that can be represented by a single-layer perceptron (SLP) network. The SLP network is encoded in a novel kinematic model to predict the shape of the post-ablation cavity with an arbitrary laser input. To estimate the SLP network parameters, we formulate a dataset of one-shot laser-phantom cavities reconstructed by the optical coherence tomography (OCT) B-scan images for the data-driven modelling. To verify the method. The learned cavity prediction model is applied to solve a simplified robotic laser planning problem modelled as a surface alignment error minimization problem. The initial results report (91.1 +- 3.0)% 3D-cavity-Intersection-over-Union (3D-cavity-IoU) for the 3D cavity prediction and an average of 97.9% success rate for the simulated surface alignment experiments.