
Simultaneous Precision Spectroscopy of $pp$, $^7$Be, and $pep$ Solar Neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II
Document Type
Working Paper
Agostini, M.Altenmuller, K.Appel, S.Atroshchenko, V.Bagdasarian, Z.Basilico, D.Bellini, G.Benziger, J.Bick, D.Bonfini, G.Bravo, D.Caccianiga, B.Calaprice, F.Caminata, A.Caprioli, S.Carlini, M.Cavalcante, P.Chepurnov, A.Choi, K.Collica, L.D'Angelo, D.Davini, S.Derbin, A.Ding, X. F.Di Ludovico, A.Di Noto, L.Drachnev, I.Fomenko, K.Formozov, A.Franco, D.Froborg, F.Gabriele, F.Galbiati, C.Ghiano, C.Giammarchi, M.Goretti, A.Gromov, M.Guffanti, D.Hagner, C.Houdy, T.Hungerford, E.Ianni, AldoIanni, AndreaJany, A.Jeschke, D.Kobychev, V.Korablev, D.Korga, G.Kryn, D.Laubenstein, M.Litvinovich, E.Lombardi, F.Lombardi, P.Ludhova, L.Lukyanchenko, G.Lukyanchenko, L.Machulin, I.Manuzio, G.Marcocci, S.Martyn, J.Meroni, E.Meyer, M.Miramonti, L.Misiaszek, M.Muratova, V.Neumair, B.Oberauer, L.Opitz, B.Orekhov, V.Ortica, F.Pallavicini, M.Papp, L.Penek, O.Pilipenko, N.Pocar, A.Porcelli, A.Ranucci, G.Razeto, A.Re, A.Redchuk, M.Romani, A.Roncin, R.Rossi, N.Schonert, S.Semenov, D.Skorokhvatov, M.Smirnov, O.Sotnikov, A.Stokes, L. F. F.Suvorov, Y.Tartaglia, R.Testera, G.Thurn, J.Toropova, M.Unzhakov, E.Vishneva, A.Vogelaar, R. B.von Feilitzsch, F.Wang, H.Weinz, S.Wojcik, M.Wurm, M.Yokley, Z.Zaimidoroga, O.Zavatarelli, S.Zuber, K.Zuzel, G.
Phys. Rev. D 100, 082004 (2019)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We present the first simultaneous measurement of the interaction rates of $pp$, $^7$Be, and $pep$ solar neutrinos performed with a global fit to the Borexino data in an extended energy range (0.19-2.93)$\,$MeV. This result was obtained by analyzing 1291.51$\,$days of Borexino Phase-II data, collected between December 2011 and May 2016 after an extensive scintillator purification campaign. We find: rate($pp$)$\,$=$\,$$134$$\,$$\pm$$\,$$10$$\,$($stat$)$\,$$^{\rm +6}_{\rm -10}$$\,$($sys$)$\,$cpd/100$\,$t, rate($^7$Be)$\,$=$\,$$48.3$$\,$$\pm$$\,$$1.1$$\,$($stat$)$\,$$^{\rm +0.4}_{\rm -0.7}$$\,$($sys$)$\,$cpd/100$\,$t, and rate($pep$)$\,$=$\,$$2.43$$\pm$$\,$$0.36$$\,$($stat$)$^{+0.15}_{-0.22}$$\,$($sys$)$\,$cpd/100$\,$t. These numbers are in agreement with and improve the precision of our previous measurements. In particular, the interaction rate of $^7$Be $\nu$'s is measured with an unprecedented precision of 2.7%, showing that discriminating between the high and low metallicity solar models is now largely dominated by theoretical uncertainties. The absence of $pep$ neutrinos is rejected for the first time at more than 5$\,$$\sigma$. An upper limit of $8.1$$\,$cpd/100$\,$t (95%$\,$C.L.) on the CNO neutrino rate is obtained by setting an additional constraint on the ratio between the $pp$ and $pep$ neutrino rates in the fit. This limit has the same significance as that obtained by the Borexino Phase-I (currently providing the tightest bound on this component), but is obtained by applying a less stringent constraint on the $pep$ $\nu$ flux.
Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures