
Galaxy Correlation Function and Local Density from Photometric Redshifts Using the Stochastic Order Redshift Technique (SORT)
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
The stochastic order redshift technique (SORT) is a simple, efficient, and robust method to improve cosmological redshift measurements. The method relies upon having a small ($\sim$10 per cent) reference sample of high-quality redshifts. Within pencil-beam-like sub-volumes surrounding each galaxy, we use the precise dN/d$z$ distribution of the reference sample to recover new redshifts and assign them one-to-one to galaxies such that the original rank order of redshifts is preserved. Preserving the rank order is motivated by the fact that random variables drawn from Gaussian probability density functions with different means but equal standard deviations satisfy stochastic ordering. The process is repeated for sub-volumes surrounding each galaxy in the survey. This results in every galaxy with an uncertain redshift being assigned multiple "recovered" redshifts from which a new redshift estimate can be determined. An earlier paper applied SORT to a mock Sloan Digital Sky Survey at $z \lesssim$ 0.2 and accurately recovered the two-point correlation function on scales $\gtrsim$4 $h^{-1}$Mpc. In this paper, we test the performance of SORT in surveys spanning the redshift range 0.75$Comment: MNRAS submitted, 24 pages