
Hyperons from Bi+Bi collisions at MPD-NICA: Preliminary analysis of production at generation, simulation and reconstruction level
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
An important observable to understand the properties of the matter produced in heavy-ion collisions is its strangeness content. Recent experimental results show that in semi-central collisions, the $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ global polarization show differences that increase at low energies. This behaviour has been described using a model where these particles may be produced from two distinct density zones in the collision region: the core and the corona where QGP processes and p + p like reactions, respectively, are mainly at work. Using this idea, the polarization can be influenced by the relative abundance of these particles coming from either regions. In this work we show how to test this model in the MPD experiment.
Comment: 9 pages, 20 figures. This is a preprint of the proceeding of the Conference "RFBR grants for NICA" that will send to the journal Physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei, year 2021, volume 3