
Fast Radio Bursts as crustal dynamical events induced by magnetic field evolution in young magnetars
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
We revisit in this work a model for repeating Fast Radio Bursts based of the release of energy provoked by the magnetic field dynamics affecting a magnetar's crust. We address the basics of such a model by solving the propagation of the perturbation approximately, and quantify the energetics and the radiation by bunches of charges in the so-called {\it charge starved} region in the magnetosphere. The (almost) simultaneous emission of newly detected X-rays from SGR 1935+2154 is tentatively associated to a reconnection behind the propagation. The strength of $f$-mode gravitational radiation excited by the event is quantified, and more detailed studies of the non-linear (spiky) soliton solutions suggested.
Comment: Submitted, discussion on GW enlarged, references added and physical pictured clarified