
The EDIBLES Survey. VII. A survey of C2 and C3 in interstellar clouds
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 681, A6 (2024)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We carried out a sensitive survey of C$_2$ and C$_3$ using the EDIBLES data set. We also expanded our searches to C$_4$, C$_5$, and $^{13}$C$^{12}$C isotopologue in the most molecule-rich sightlines. We fit synthetic spectra generated following a physical excitation model to the C$_2$ (2-0) Phillips band to obtain the C$_2$ column density ($N$) as well as the kinetic temperature ($T_\textrm{kin}$) and number density ($n$) of the host cloud. The C$_3$ molecule was measured through its $\tilde{A} - \tilde{X}$ (000-000) electronic origin band system. We simulated the excitation of this band with a double-temperature Boltzmann distribution. We present the largest combined survey of C$_2$ and C$_3$ to date in which the individual transitions can be resolved. In total we detected C$_2$ in 51 velocity components along 40 sightlines, and C$_3$ in 31 velocity components along 27 sightlines. The two molecules are detected in the same velocity components. We find a very good correlation between $N$(C$_2$) and $N$(C$_3$) with Pearson $r = 0.93$ and an average $N$(C$_2$)/$N$(C$_3$) ratio of 15.5$\pm$1.4. A comparison with the behaviour of the C$_2$ DIBs shows that there are no clear differences among sightlines with and without detection of C$_2$ and C$_3$. This is in direct contrast to the better-studied non-C$_2$ DIBs who have reduced strengths in molecule-rich environments. We also identify for the first time the $Q$(2), $Q$(3), and $Q$(4) transitions of the $^{13}$C$^{12}$C (2-0) Phillips band in a stacked average spectrum, and estimate the isotopic ratio of carbon $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C as 79$\pm$8. Our search for the C$_4$ and C$_5$ optical bands was unsuccessful.
Comment: 31 pages, 23 figures. To appear in A&A