
Node resistance curvature in Cartesian graph products
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Combinatorics
05C99, 05C81
Devriendt and Lambiotte recently introduced the \emph{node resistance curvature}, a notion of graph curvature based on the effective resistance matrix. In this paper, we begin the study of the behavior of the node resistance curvature under the operation of the Cartesian graph product. We study the natural question of global positivity of node resistance curvature of the Cartesian product of positively-curved graphs, and prove that, whenever $m,n\ge3$, the node resistance curvature of the interior vertices of a $m\times n$ grid is always nonpositive, while it is always nonnegative on the boundary of such grids. For completeness, we also prove a number of results on node resistance curvature in $2\times n$ grids and exhibit a counterexample to a generalization. We also give generic bounds and suggest several further questions for future study.