
Accretion Funnel Reconfiguration during an Outburst in a Young Stellar Object: EX Lupi
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
EX Lupi, a low-mass young stellar object, went into an accretion-driven outburst in March of 2022. The outburst caused a sudden phase change of ~ 112$^{\circ}$ $\pm$ 5$^{\circ}$ in periodically oscillating multiband lightcurves. Our high resolution spectra obtained with HRS on SALT also revealed a consistent phase change in the periodically varying radial velocities, along with an increase in the radial velocity amplitude of various emission lines. The phase change and increase of radial velocity amplitude morphologically translates to a change in the azimuthal and latitudinal location of the accretion hotspot over the stellar surface, which indicates a reconfiguration of the accretion funnel geometry. Our 3D MHD simulations reproduce the phase change for EX Lupi. To explain the observations we explored the possibility of forward shifting of the dipolar accretion funnel as well as the possibility of an emergence of a new accretion funnel. During the outburst, we also found evidence of the hotspot's morphology extending azimuthally, asymmetrically with a leading hot edge and cold tail along the stellar rotation. Our high cadence photometry showed that the accretion flow has clumps. We also detected possible clumpy accretion events in the HRS spectra, that showed episodically highly blue-shifted wings in the Ca II IRT and Balmer H lines.
Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal