
VLTI/AMBER interferometric observations of the recurrent Nova RS Oph 5.5 days after outburst
Document Type
Working Paper
We report on interferometric AMBER/VLTI observations of the recurrent nova RS Oph five days after its outburst on 2006 Feb 12. Using three baselines from 44 to 86m, and a spectral resolution of 1500, we measured the extension of the emission in the K band continuum and in the BrG and HeI2.06 micron lines. The continuum visibilities were interpreted by fitting simple geometric models consisting of uniform and Gaussian ellipses, ring and binary models. The visibilities and differential phases in the BrG line were interpreted using skewed ring models aiming to perform a limited parametric reconstruction of the extension and kinematics of the line forming region. The limited uv coverage does not allow discrimination between filled models and rings. Binary models are discarded because the measured closure phase in the continuum is close to zero. The visibilities in the lines are at a low level compared to their nearby continuum, consistent with a more extended line forming region for HeI2.06 than BrG. The ellipse models for the continuum and for the lines are highly flattened and share the same position angle. Two radial velocity fields are apparent in the BrG line: a 'slow' expanding ring-like structure (v~1800km/s), and a 'fast' structure extended in the E-W direction (v~2500-3000km/s). These results confirm the basic fireball model, contrary to the conclusions of other interferometric observations conducted by Monnier et al. (2006).
Comment: Accepted in A&A