
Eminuscent phase in frustrated magnets: a challenge to quantum spin liquids
Document Type
Working Paper
Nat. Commun. 13, 2993 (2022)
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
A geometrically frustrated (GF) magnet consists of localised magnetic moments, spins, whose orientation cannot be arranged to simultaneously minimise their interaction energies. Such materials may host novel fascinating phases of matter, such as fluid-like states called quantum spin liquids. GF magnets have, like all solid-state systems, randomly located impurities whose magnetic moments may ``freeze'' at low temperatures, making the system enter a spin-glass state. We analyse the available data for spin-glass transitions in GF materials and find a surprising trend: the glass-transition temperature grows with decreasing impurity concentration and reaches a finite value in the impurity-free limit at a previously unidentified, ``hidden'', energy scale. We propose a scenario in which the interplay of interactions and entropy leads to a crossover in the permeability of the medium that assists glass freezing at low temperatures. This low-temperature, ``eminuscent'', phase may obscure or even destroy the widely-sought spin-liquid states in rather clean systems.
Comment: 11+9 pages, 2 figures, 1 table