
On the equivalence of the semiclassical theory and the response theory
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
It is commonly believed that the response theory can give quantum correction (or interband coherent effects) to the semiclassical theory, while both formulations essentially are perturbatively solving the time-dependent Sch\"odinger equation in a periodic potential probed by the electric field within the independent-particle approximation. Herein, by extending the semiclassical theory under an AC uniform electric field to the nonlinear regime, we show that up to the second order of the electric field, the AC semiclassical theory is equivalent to the response theory in the absence of relaxation. Remarkably, this equivalence can be inherited when the relaxation is incorporated into the response theory, particularly by taking the semiclassical results with a finite relaxation time obtained by solving the Boltzmann equation as a benchmark. ......
Comment: add a section for the nonlinear AC responses and reshape the main conclusions