
New Methods for Finding Activity-Sensitive Spectral Lines: Combined Visual Identification and an Automated Pipeline Find a Set of 40 Activity Indicators
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Starspots, plages, and activity cycles cause radial velocity variations that can either mimic planets or hide their existence. To verify the authenticity of newly discovered planets, observers may search for periodicity in spectroscopic activity indices such as Ca H & K and H$\alpha$, then mask out any Doppler signals that match the activity period or its harmonics. However, not every spectrograph includes Ca H & K, and redder activity indicators are needed for planet searches around low-mass stars. Here we show how new activity indicators can be identified by correlating spectral line depths with a well-known activity index. We apply our correlation methods to archival HARPS spectra of $\epsilon$ Eri and $\alpha$ Cen B and use the results from both stars to generate a master list of activity-sensitive lines whose core fluxes are periodic at the star's rotation period. Our newly discovered activity indicators can in turn be used as benchmarks to extend the list of known activity-sensitive lines toward the infrared or UV. With recent improvements in spectrograph illumination stabilization, wavelength calibration, and telluric correction, stellar activity is now the biggest noise source in planet searches. Our suite of $> 40$ activity-sensitive lines is a first step toward allowing planet hunters to access all the information about spots, plages, and activity cycles contained in each spectrum.
Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AJ on August 27, 2018