
Exploring freeze out and flow using exact solutions of conformal hydrodynamics
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Theory
Nuclear Experiment
Exact solutions to the equations of hydrodynamics provide valuable benchmark tests for numerical hydrodynamic codes and also provide useful insights into the nature of hydrodynamic flow. In this paper, we introduce two novel, closely related exact solutions with non-trivial rapidity dependence which are generalizations of the well-known Gubser flow solution to conformal hydrodynamics. We then use one of our solutions to explore the consequences of choosing between two different criteria for implementing the freeze out process in fluid dynamical simulations of nuclear collisions: freeze out at constant temperature vs. freeze out at constant Knudsen number. We find that, employing our exact solution, the differences between these freeze out criteria are heavily influenced by the presence of strong collective flow. Our results highlight the importance of accurately describing the freeze out process in collisions with large flow gradients, particularly in small systems.
Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures