
The Physical Content of Long Tensor Modes in Cosmology
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We analyze the physical content of squeezed bispectra involving long-wavelength tensor perturbations, showing that these modes cannot be gauged away, except for the exact (unphysical) limit of infinite wavelength, $k = 0$. This result has a direct implication on the validity of the Maldacena consistency relation, respected by a subclass of inflationary models. Consequently, in the squeezed limit, as in the case of the scalar-scalar-scalar bispectrum, squeezed mixed correlators could be observed by future experiments, remaining a key channel to study Early Universe physics and discriminate among different models of inflation.
Comment: 13 pages