
Progress and Opportunities in Backward angle (u-channel) Physics
Document Type
Working Paper
Eur. Phys. J. A (2021) 57 :342
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
Backward angle (u-channel) scattering provides complementary information for studies of hadron spectroscopy and structure, but has been less comprehensively studied than the corresponding forward angle case. As a result, the physics of u-channel scattering poses a range of new experimental and theoretical opportunities and questions. We summarize recent progress in measuring and understanding high energy reactions with baryon charge exchange in the u-channel, as discussed in the first backward angle (u-channel) Physics Workshop. In particular, we discuss backward angle measurements and their theoretical description via both hadronic models and the collinear factorization approach, and discuss planned future measurements of u-channel physics. Finally, we propose outstanding questions and challenges for u-channel physics.