
Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Imaging Polarimetry of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Document Type
Working Paper
Science 303 (2004) 1345
We have used laser guide star adaptive optics and a near-infrared dual-channel imaging polarimeter to observe light scattered in the circumstellar environment of Herbig Ae/Be stars on scales of 100-300 AU. We discover a strongly polarized, biconical nebula 10 arcseconds in diameter (6000 AU) around the star LkHa 198, and also observe a polarized jet-like feature associated with the deeply embedded source LkHa 198-IR. The star LkHa 233 presents a narrow, unpolarized dark lane consistent with an optically thick circumstellar disk blocking our direct view of the star. These data show that the lower-mass T Tauri and intermediate mass Herbig Ae/Be stars share a common evolutionary sequence.
Comment: To appear in Science, 27 February 2004 (4 pages, 2 figures + refs)