
Cross-Slot Metal-Mesh Bandpass Filters for Far-Infrared Astronomy
Document Type
Working Paper
Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI. Vol. 12190. SPIE, 2022
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
The far-infrared (IR) region is rich with information needed to characterize interstellar dust and to investigate the cold outer planets of the solar system and their icy moons. The proposed sub-orbital observatory the Balloon Experiment for Galactic INfrared Science (BEGINS) will utilize cryogenic instruments to map spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of interstellar dust in the Cygnus molecular cloud complex. A future high priority flagship mission Uranus Orbiter and Probe carrying a net flux radiometer (NFR) will study the in situ heat flux of the icy giants atmosphere to 10 bar pressure. These instruments require far-IR filters to define the instrument spectral bandwidths. Our ultimate goal is to define the instrument bands of BEGINS and the NFR with linear-variable filters (LVFs) and discrete-variable filters (DVFs). The LVFs and DVFs will be made of metal mesh band-pass filters (MMBF) comprised of a 100 nm thick gold film with cross-shaped slots of varying sizes along a silicon (Si) substrate with cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) anti-reflection (AR) coatings. We present our progress towards LVFs and DVFs with simulated and measured transmission of a room temperature, non-AR coated, single-band 44 $\mu$m MMBF filter. We have successfully fabricated, measured, and modeled a non-AR coated, room temperature 44 $\mu$m MMBF. The transmission at room temperature and non-AR coated was measured to be 27\% with a resolving power of 11. When COC-AR coated on both sides the transmission is expected to increase to 69\% with a resolving power of 10.