
Hot Jupiter Diversity and the Onset of TiO/VO Revealed by a Large Grid of Non-Grey Global Circulation Models
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
The population of hot Jupiters is extremely diverse, with large variations in their irradiation, period, gravity and chemical composition. To understand the intrinsic planet diversity through the observed population level trends, we explore the a-priori scatter in the population created by the different responses of atmospheric circulation to planetary parameters. We use the SPARC/MITgcm 3D global circulation model to simulate 345 planets spanning a wide range of instellation, metallicity, gravity and rotation periods typical for hot Jupiters, while differentiating between models with and without TiO/VO in their atmosphere. We show that the combined effect of the planetary parameters leads to a large diversity in the ability of atmospheres to transport heat from day-side to night-side at a given equilibrium temperature. We further show that the hot-spot offset is a non-monotonic function of planetary rotation period and explain our findings by a competition between the rotational and divergent parts of the circulation. As a consequence, hot-spot offset and phase curve amplitude are not necessarily correlated. Finally, we compare the observables from our grid to the population of Spitzer and Hubble observations of hot Jupiters. We find that the sudden jump in brightness temperature observed in the Spitzer secondary eclipse measurements can be naturally explained by the cold-trapping of TiO/VO at approximately 1800K. The grid of modelled spectra, phase curves and thermal structures are made available to the community, together with a python code for visualization of the grid properties, at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10785321 and http://sim3d.oca.eu/.
Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures, accepted in MNRAS