
Bipartite Sachdev-Ye Models with Read-Saleur Symmetries
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
High Energy Physics - Theory
We introduce an SU(M)-symmetric disordered bipartite spin model with unusual characteristics. Although superficially similar to the Sachdev-Ye model, it has several markedly different properties for M>2. In particular, it has a large non-trivial nullspace whose dimension grows exponentially with system size. The states in this nullspace are frustration-free, and are ground states when the interactions are ferromagnetic. The exponential growth of the nullspace leads to Hilbert-space fragmentation and a violation of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. We demonstrate that the commutant algebra responsible for this fragmentation is a non-trivial subalgebra of the Read-Saleur commutant algebra of certain nearest-neighbour models such as the spin-1 biquadratic spin chain. We also discuss the low-energy behaviour of correlations for the disordered version of this model in the limit of a large number of spins and large M, using techniques similar to those applied to the SY model. We conclude by generalizing the Shiraishi-Mori embedding formalism to non-local models, and apply it to turn some of our nullspace states into quantum many-body scars.
Comment: 14 pages