
Thermonuclear explosion criteria for direct and indirect collisions of CO white dwarfs: a study of the impact-parameter threshold for detonation
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
The physical collisions of two white dwarfs (WDs) (i.e. not slow mergers) have been shown to produce type-Ia-like supernovae (SNe) explosions. Most studies of WD-collisions have focused on zero impact-parameter (direct) collisions, which can also be studied in 2D. However, the vast majority of WD collisions arising from any evolutionary channels suggested to date, are expected to be indirect, i.e. have a non-negligible impact parameter upon collision. Here we use the highest resolution 3D simulations to date (making use of the AREPO code), in order to explore both direct and indirect collisions and the conditions in which they give rise to a detonation and the production of a luminous SNe. Using our simulations, we find a detonation criterion that can provide the critical impact parameter for an explosion to occur, depending on the density profile of the colliding WDs, their composition, and their collision velocities. We find that the initial velocity has a significant impact on the amount of 56Ni production from the explosion. Furthermore, the 56Ni production is also strongly dependent on the numerical resolution. While our results from the head-on collision with large initial velocities produce more 56Ni than previous simulations, those with small and comparable velocities produce significantly less 56Ni than previous works.
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