
The Host Galaxy of a Dormant, Overmassive Black Hole at $z=6.7$ May Be Restarting Star Formation
Document Type
Working Paper
Res. Notes AAS, 2024, 8 105
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
JWST is discovering a large population of $z>4$ supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that are overmassive with respect to the stellar content of their hosts. A previous study developed a physical model to interpret this overmassive population as the result of quasar feedback acting on a compact host galaxy. In this Note, we apply this model to JADES GN 1146115, a dormant supermassive black hole at $z=6.7$ whose mass is $\sim40\%$ of the host's mass in stars and accreting at $\sim2\%$ of the Eddington limit. The host has been forming stars at the low rate of $\sim 1 \, \rm M_\odot \,yr^{-1}$ for the past $\sim 100$ Myr. Our model suggests that this galactic system is on the verge of a resurgence of global star formation activity. This transition comes after a period of domination by the effect of its overmassive black hole, whose duration is comparable to typical quasar lifetimes.
Comment: Accepted on Research Notes of the AAS. This is a concise note (3 pages, 1 figure) regarding the direct application of the model described in arXiv:2401.04159 to the source presented in arXiv:2403.03872