
Reflection by two level system: phase singularities on the Poincar\'e hypersphere
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Optics
Quantum Physics
We consider the reflection of a photon by a two-level system in a quasi-one-dimensional waveguide. This is important in part because it forms the backdrop for more complicated proposals where many emitters are coupled to the waveguide: leading to super and subradiant coupling even when the emitters are distant. The incorporation of chiral effects, for example unidirectional emission of dipole emitters, has already led to rich physics such as dimer coupling. However, chirality is not the only effect of the dipole, as we explore from a phase singularity perspective. We demonstrate that control of the dipole allows a rich variety of control of the phase and amplitude of the scattered light in both directions. This expands the scope for the physics of 1D chains of emitters.
Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures