
TLUSTY and SYNSPEC Users's Guide IV: Upgraded Versions 208 and 54
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We present a brief description of the newly upgraded versions of the programs TLUSTY, version 208, and SYNSPEC, version 54. TLUSTY is used to generate model stellar atmospheres or accretion disks, and SYNSPEC produces detailed synthetic spectra and/or opacity tables. This paper complements published guides that provide a detailed description of earlier versions of the codes, TLUSTY205, and SYNSPEC51. The main upgrades include the flexible construction of opacity tables in SYNSPEC, and their use in producing hybrid models with TLUSTY}, with important species treated in NLTE, while the bulk of opacity of atomic and molecular lines and continua are considered in LTE using a pre-calculated opacity table. There is also a number of additional changes and upgrades that increase the versatility and flexibility of these codes.
Comment: 111 pages, 4 figures