
Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Oscillations Using Beam and Atmospheric Data in MINOS
Document Type
Working Paper
MINOS CollaborationAdamson, P.Anghel, I.Backhouse, C.Barr, G.Bishai, M.Blake, A.Bock, G. J.Bogert, D.Cao, S. V.Castromonte, C. M.Childress, S.Coelho, J. A. B.Corwin, L.Cronin-Hennessy, D.de Jong, J. K.Devan, A. V.Devenish, N. E.Diwan, M. V.Escobar, C. O.Evans, J. J.Falk, E.Feldman, G. J.Frohne, M. V.Gallagher, H. R.Gomes, R. A.Goodman, M. C.Gouffon, P.Graf, N.Gran, R.Grzelak, K.Habig, A.Hahn, S. R.Hartnell, J.Hatcher, R.Himmel, A.Holin, A.Hylen, J.Irwin, G. M.Isvan, Z.James, C.Jensen, D.Kafka, T.Kasahara, S. M. S.Koizumi, G.Kordosky, M.Kreymer, A.Lang, K.Ling, J.Litchfield, P. J.Lucas, P.Mann, W. A.Marshak, M. L.Mathis, M.Mayer, N.McGowan, A. M.Medeiros, M. M.Mehdiyev, R.Meier, J. R.Messier, M. D.Michael, D. G.Miller, W. H.Mishra, S. R.Sher, S. MoedMoore, C. D.Mualem, L.Musser, J.Naples, D.Nelson, J. K.Newman, H. B.Nichol, R. J.Nowak, J. A.O'Connor, J.Oliver, W. P.Orchanian, M.Pahlka, R. B.Paley, J.Patterson, R. B.Pawloski, G.Phan-Budd, S.Plunkett, R. K.Qiu, X.Radovic, A.Rebel, B.Rosenfeld, C.Rubin, H. A.Sanchez, M. C.Schneps, J.Schreckenberger, A.Schreiner, P.Sharma, R.Sousa, A.Tagg, N.Talaga, R. L.Thomas, J.Thomson, M. A.Tinti, G.Tognini, S. C.Toner, R.Torretta, D.Tzanakos, G.Urheim, J.Vahle, P.Viren, B.Weber, A.Webb, R. C.White, C.Whitehead, L.Whitehead, L. H.Wojcicki, S. G.Zwaska, R.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 251801 (2013)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We report measurements of oscillation parameters from $\nu_{mu}$ and $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$ disappearance using beam and atmospheric data from MINOS. The data comprise exposures of \unit[$10.71 \times 10^{20}$]{protons on target (POT)} in the $\nu_{\mu}$-dominated beam, $\unit[3.36\times10^{20}]{POT}}$ in the $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$-enhanced beam, and 37.88 kton-years of atmospheric neutrinos. Assuming identical $\nu$ and $\bar{\nu}$ oscillation parameters, we measure \mbox{$|\Delta m^2}| = \unit[2.41^{+0.09}_{-0.10}) \times 10^{-3}]{eV^{2}}$} and $\sin^{2}/!/left(2\theta \right) = 0.950^{+0.035}_{-0.036}$. Allowing independent $\nu$ and $\bar{\nu}$ oscillations, we measure antineutrino parameters of $|\Delta \bar{m}^2| = \unit[(2.50 ^{+0.23}_{-0.25}) \times 10^{-3}]{eV^{2}}$ and $\sin^{2}/!/left(2\bar{\theta} \right) = 0.97^{+0.03}_{-0.08}$, with minimal change to the neutrino parameters.
Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures