
BreastScreening: On the Use of Multi-Modality in Medical Imaging Diagnosis
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Software Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing
68U35 (Primary), 68T45 (Secondary)
This paper describes the field research, design and comparative deployment of a multimodal medical imaging user interface for breast screening. The main contributions described here are threefold: 1) The design of an advanced visual interface for multimodal diagnosis of breast cancer (BreastScreening); 2) Insights from the field comparison of single vs multimodality screening of breast cancer diagnosis with 31 clinicians and 566 images, and 3) The visualization of the two main types of breast lesions in the following image modalities: (i) MammoGraphy (MG) in both Craniocaudal (CC) and Mediolateral oblique (MLO) views; (ii) UltraSound (US); and (iii) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). We summarize our work with recommendations from the radiologists for guiding the future design of medical imaging interfaces.
Comment: AVI 2020 Short Papers, 5 pages, 2 figures, for associated files, see https://github.com/MIMBCD-UI/avi-2020-short-paper