
Anomalous quantum metal in a 2D crystalline superconductor with intrinsic electronic non-uniformity
Document Type
Working Paper
Nano Lett. 19, 4126 (2019)
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
The details of the superconducting to quantum metal transition (SQMT) at T=0 are an open problem that invokes much interest in the nature of this exotic and unexpected ground state1-3. However, the SQMT was not yet investigated in a crystalline 2D superconductor with coexisting and fluctuating quantum orders. Here, we report the observation of a SQMT in 2D ion-gel gated 1T-TiSe24, driven by magnetic field. A field-induced crossover between Bose quantum metal and vortex quantum creeping with increasing field is observed. We discuss the interplay between superconducting and CDW fluctuations (discommensurations) and their relation to the anomalous quantum metal (AQM) phase. From our findings, gate-tunable 1T-TiSe2 emerges as a privileged platform to scrutinize, in a controlled way, the details of the SQMT, the role of coexisting fluctuating orders and, ultimately, obtain a deeper understanding of the fate of superconductivity in strictly two-dimensional crystals near zero temperature.