
High-resolution observations of SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 in the optical and radio domains. A possible example of jet-triggered star formation
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics
Double-lobe radio galaxies are ideally suited to investigate the interaction of the individual components of the radio structure with the intergalactic medium and the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 has been serendipitously discovered in MERLIN 18 cm observations to be a double-lobed radio galaxy. Because it is an optically faint source, basic information like redshift, linear size, and structure has been incomplete until now. Furthermore, there are no spectra of this source available in any databases. The goal of this work is to derive the main physical properties of SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 and study the possible interaction between the radio jets and the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. To achieve this goal, we used optical spectroscopy and radio interferometry. The radio data were obtained with MERLIN at 18 cm and the optical data with the Multi-Object Double Spectrograph (MODS) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). The redshift of the galaxy is z = 0.2805 +/- 0.0003, resulting in a linear size of the observed radio structure of ~ 26.3 kpc. The optical line emission as well as the infrared and radio continuum emission suggest a high star-formation activity. In addition, we estimated the mass of the central black hole to be log (MBH/Msun) ~ 6.9. The MODS spectrum and the optical images from Sloan Digital Sky Survey suggest that SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 is an elliptical host galaxy. In combination with the overall radio structure, we argue that the star formation could be the result of the back-flow along the jet and the interstellar medium of the host.
Comment: accepted at A&A