
The SSA22 HI Tomography Survey (SSA22-HIT). I. Data Set and Compiled Redshift Catalog
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We conducted a deep spectroscopic survey, named SSA22-HIT, in the SSA22 field with the DEep Imaging MultiObject Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck telescope, designed to tomographically map high-z HI gas through analysis of Lya absorption in background galaxies' spectra. In total, 198 galaxies were spectroscopically confirmed at 2.5 < z < 6 with a few low-z exceptions in the 26 x 15 arcmin^2 area, of which 148 were newly determined in this study. Our redshift measurements were merged with previously confirmed redshifts available in the 34 x 27 arcmin^2 area of the SSA22 field. This compiled catalog containing 730 galaxies of various types at z > 2 is useful for various applications, and it is made publicly available. Our SSA22-HIT survey has increased by approximately twice the number of spectroscopic redshifts of sources at z > 3.2 in the observed field. From a comparison with publicly available redshift catalogs, we show that our compiled redshift catalog in the SSA22 field is comparable to those among major extragalactic survey fields in terms of a combination of wide area and high surface number density of objects at z > 2. About 40 % of the spectroscopically confirmed objects in SSA22-HIT show reasonable quality of spectra in the wavelengths shorter than Lya when a sufficient amount of smoothing is adopted. Our data set enables us to make the HI tomographic map at z > 3, which we present in a parallel study.
Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, 29 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables