
Hybrid III-V/Silicon photonic circuits embedding generation and routing of entangled photon pairs
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Optics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Quantum Physics
The demand for integrated photonic chips combining the generation and manipulation of quantum states of light is steadily increasing, driven by the need for compact and scalable platforms for quantum information technologies. While photonic circuits with diverse functionalities are being developed in different single material platforms, it has become crucial to realize hybrid photonic circuits that harness the advantages of multiple materials while mitigating their respective weaknesses, resulting in enhanced capabilities. Here, we demonstrate a hybrid III-V/Silicon quantum photonic device combining the strong second-order nonlinearity and compliance with electrical pumping of the III-V semiconductor platform with the high maturity and CMOS compatibility of the silicon photonic platform. Our device embeds the spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) of photon pairs into an AlGaAs source and their subsequent routing to a silicon-on-insulator circuitry, within an evanescent coupling scheme managing both polarization states. This enables the on-chip generation of broadband telecom photons by type 0 and type 2 SPDC from the hybrid device, at room temperature and with internal pair generation rates exceeding $10^5$ $s^{-1}$ for both types, while the pump beam is strongly rejected. Two-photon interference with 92% visibility (and up to 99% upon 5 nm spectral filtering) proves the high energy-time entanglement quality characterizing the produced quantum state, thereby enabling a wide range of quantum information applications on-chip, within an hybrid architecture merging the assets of two mature and highly complementary platforms in view of out-of-the-lab deployment of quantum technologies.