
Chemical Distribution of the Dynamical Ejecta in the Neutron Star Merger GW170817
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
GW170817 and its associated electromagnetic counterpart AT2017gfo continue to be a treasure trove as observations and modeling continue. Recent precision astrometry of AT2017gfo with the Hubble Space Telescope combined with previous constraints from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) constraints narrowed down the inclination angle to 19-25 deg (90\% confidence). This paper explores how the inclusion of precise inclination information can reveal new insights about the ejecta properties, in particular, about the composition of the dynamical ejecta of AT2017gfo. Our analysis relies on updated kilonova modeling, which includes state-of-the-art heating rates, thermalization efficiencies, and opacities and is parameterized by $\bar{Y}_{\rm e,dyn}$, the average electron fraction of the dynamical ejecta component. Using this model, we incorporate the latest inclination angle constraint of AT2017gfo into a light curve fitting framework to derive updated parameter estimates. Our results suggest that the viewing angle of the observer is pointed towards the lanthanide-poor ($Y_{\rm e,dyn}\gtrsim0.25$), squeezed polar dynamical ejecta component, which can explain the early blue emission observed in the light curve of AT2017gfo. In contrast to a recent claim of spherical ejecta powering AT2017gfo, our study indicates that the composition of the dynamical ejecta has a strong angular dependence, with a lanthanide-rich ($Y_{\rm e,dyn}\lesssim0.25$), tidal component distributed around the merger plane with a half-opening angle of $35^\circ$. The inclination angle constraint reduces $\bar{Y}_{\rm e,dyn}$ from $0.24$ to $0.22$, with values $0.17\lesssim Y_{\rm e, dyn} \lesssim0.41$ enabling the robust production of $r$-process elements up to the $3^{\rm rd}$ peak in the tidal dynamical ejecta.
Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures