
A Measurement of the Semileptonic Branching Fraction of the B_s Meson
Document Type
Working Paper
The BaBar CollaborationLees, J. P.Poireau, V.Tisserand, V.Tico, J. GarraGrauges, E.Martinelli, M.Milanes, D. A.Palano, A.Pappagallo, M.Eigen, G.Stugu, B.Brown, D. N.Kerth, L. T.Kolomensky, Yu. G.Lynch, G.Koch, H.Schroeder, T.Asgeirsson, D. J.Hearty, C.Mattison, T. S.McKenna, J. A.Khan, A.Blinov, V. E.Buzykaev, A. R.Druzhinin, V. P.Golubev, V. B.Kravchenko, E. A.Onuchin, A. P.Serednyakov, S. I.Skovpen, Yu. I.Solodov, E. P.Todyshev, K. Yu.Yushkov, A. N.Bondioli, M.Kirkby, D.Lankford, A. J.Mandelkern, M.Stoker, D. P.Atmacan, H.Gary, J. W.Liu, F.Long, O.Vitug, G. M.Campagnari, C.Hong, T. M.Kovalskyi, D.Richman, J. D.West, C. A.Eisner, A. M.Kroseberg, J.Lockman, W. S.Martinez, A. J.Schalk, T.Schumm, B. A.Seiden, A.Cheng, C. H.Doll, D. A.Echenard, B.Flood, K. T.Hitlin, D. G.Ongmongkolkul, P.Porter, F. C.Rakitin, A. Y.Andreassen, R.Dubrovin, M. S.Huard, Z.Meadows, B. T.Sokoloff, M. D.Sun, L.Bloom, P. C.Ford, W. T.Gaz, A.Nagel, M.Nauenberg, U.Smith, J. G.Wagner, S. R.Ayad, R.Toki, W. H.Spaan, B.Kobel, M. J.Schubert, K. R.Schwierz, R.Bernard, D.Verderi, M.Clark, P. J.Playfer, S.Bettoni, D.Bozzi, C.Calabrese, R.Cibinetto, G.Fioravanti, E.Garzia, I.Luppi, E.Munerato, M.Negrini, M.Piemontese, L.Santoro, V.Baldini-Ferroli, R.Calcaterra, A.de Sangro, R.Finocchiaro, G.Nicolaci, M.Patteri, P.Peruzzi, I. M.Piccolo, M.Rama, M.Zallo, A.Contri, R.Guido, E.Vetere, M. LoMonge, M. R.Passaggio, S.Patrignani, C.Robutti, E.Bhuyan, B.Prasad, V.Lee, C. L.Morii, M.Edwards, A. J.Adametz, A.Marks, J.Uwer, U.Bernlochner, F. U.Lacker, H. M.Lueck, T.Dauncey, P. D.Tibbetts, M.Behera, P. K.Mallik, U.Chen, C.Cochran, J.Meyer, W. T.Prell, S.Rosenberg, E. I.Rubin, A. E.Gritsan, A. V.Guo, Z. J.Arnaud, N.Davier, M.Derkach, D.Grosdidier, G.Diberder, F. LeLutz, A. M.Malaescu, B.Roudeau, P.Schune, M. H.Stocchi, A.Wormser, G.Lange, D. J.Wright, D. M.Bingham, I.Chavez, C. A.Coleman, J. P.Fry, J. R.Gabathuler, E.Hutchcroft, D. E.Payne, D. J.Touramanis, C.Bevan, A. J.Di Lodovico, F.Sacco, R.Sigamani, M.Cowan, G.Davis, C. L.Denig, A. G.Fritsch, M.Gradl, W.Hafner, A.Prencipe, E.Alwyn, K. E.Bailey, D.Barlow, R. J.Jackson, G.Lafferty, G. D.Behn, E.Cenci, R.Hamilton, P. M.Jawahery, A.Roberts, D. A.Simi, G.Dallapiccola, C.Cowan, R.Dujmic, D.Sciolla, G.Lindemann, D.Patel, P. M.Robertson, S. H.Schram, M.Biassoni, P.Neri, N.Palombo, F.Stracka, S.Cremaldi, L.Godang, R.Kroeger, R.Sonnek, P.Summers, D. J.Nguyen, X.Simard, M.Taras, P.De Nardo, G.Monorchio, D.Onorato, G.Sciacca, C.Raven, G.Snoek, H. L.Jessop, C. P.Knoepfel, K. J.LoSecco, J. M.Wang, W. F.Honscheid, K.Kass, R.Brau, J.Frey, R.Sinev, N. B.Strom, D.Torrence, E.Feltresi, E.Gagliardi, N.Margoni, M.Morandin, M.Posocco, M.Rotondo, M.Simonetto, F.Stroili, R.Akar, S.Ben-Haim, E.Bomben, M.Bonneaud, G. R.Briand, H.Calderini, G.Chauveau, J.Hamon, O.Leruste, Ph.Marchiori, G.Ocariz, J.Sitt, S.Biasini, M.Manoni, E.Pacetti, S.Rossi, A.Angelini, C.Batignani, G.Bettarini, S.Carpinelli, M.Casarosa, G.Cervelli, A.Forti, F.Giorgi, M. A.Lusiani, A.Oberhof, B.Paoloni, E.Perez, A.Rizzo, G.Walsh, J. J.Pegna, D. LopesLu, C.Olsen, J.Smith, A. J. S.Telnov, A. V.Anulli, F.Cavoto, G.Faccini, R.Ferrarotto, F.Ferroni, F.Gaspero, M.Gioi, L. LiMazzoni, M. A.Piredda, G.Renga, F.Bünger, C.Grünberg, O.Hartmann, T.Leddig, T.Schröder, H.Waldi, R.Adye, T.Olaiya, E. O.Wilson, F. F.Emery, S.de Monchenault, G. HamelVasseur, G.Y\`, Ch.Aston, D.Bard, D. J.Bartoldus, R.Cartaro, C.Convery, M. R.Dorfan, J.Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.Dunwoodie, W.Ebert, M.Field, R. C.Sevilla, M. FrancoFulsom, B. G.Gabareen, A. M.Graham, M. T.Grenier, P.Hast, C.Innes, W. R.Kelsey, M. H.Kim, H.Kim, P.Kocian, M. L.Leith, D. W. G. S.Lewis, P.Lindquist, B.Luitz, S.Luth, V.Lynch, H. L.MacFarlane, D. B.Muller, D. R.Neal, H.Nelson, S.Perl, M.Pulliam, T.Ratcliff, B. N.Roodman, A.Salnikov, A. A.Schindler, R. H.Snyder, A.Su, D.Sullivan, M. K.Va'vra, J.Wagner, A. P.Weaver, M.Wisniewski, W. J.Wittgen, M.Wright, D. H.Wulsin, H. W.Yarritu, A. K.Young, C. C.Ziegler, V.Park, W.Purohit, M. V.White, R. M.Wilson, J. R.Randle-Conde, A.Sekula, S. J.Bellis, M.Benitez, J. F.Burchat, P. R.Miyashita, T. S.Alam, M. S.Ernst, J. A.Gorodeisky, R.Guttman, N.Peimer, D. R.Soffer, A.Lund, P.Spanier, S. M.Eckmann, R.Ritchie, J. L.Ruland, A. M.Schilling, C. J.Schwitters, R. F.Wray, B. C.Izen, J. M.Lou, X. C.Bianchi, F.Gamba, D.Lanceri, L.Vitale, L.Martinez-Vidal, F.Oyanguren, A.Ahmed, H.Albert, J.Banerjee, Sw.Choi, H. H. F.King, G. J.Kowalewski, R.Lewczuk, M. J.Nugent, I. M.Roney, J. M.Sobie, R. J.Tasneem, N.Gershon, T. J.Harrison, P. F.Latham, T. E.Puccio, E. M. T.Band, H. R.Dasu, S.Pan, Y.Prepost, R.Wu, S. L.
Phys. Rev. D 85, 011101(R) (2012)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We report a measurement of the inclusive semileptonic branching fraction of the B_s meson using data collected with the BaBar detector in the center-of-mass (CM) energy region above the Upsilon(4S) resonance. We use the inclusive yield of phi mesons and the phi yield in association with a high-momentum lepton to perform a simultaneous measurement of the semileptonic branching fraction and the production rate of B_s mesons relative to all B mesons as a function of CM energy. The inclusive semileptonic branching fraction of the B_s meson is determined to be B(B_s to l nu X)=9.5 (+2.5/-2.0)(stat)(+1.1/-1.9)(syst)%, where l indicates the average of e and mu.
Comment: 8 pages, 7 eps figures