
Weak violation of universality for Polyelectrolyte Chains: Variational Theory and Simulations
Document Type
Working Paper
Eur. Phys. J. E 4, 475-487 (2001)
Condensed Matter - Soft Condensed Matter
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
A variational approach is considered to calculate the free energy and the conformational properties of a polyelectrolyte chain in $d$ dimensions. We consider in detail the case of pure Coulombic interactions between the monomers, when screening is not present, in order to compute the end-to-end distance and the asymptotic properties of the chain as a function of the polymer chain length $N$. We find $R \simeq N^{\nu}(\log N)^{\gamma}$ where $\nu = \frac{3}{\lambda+2}$ and $\lambda$ is the exponent which characterize the long-range interaction $U \propto 1/r^{\lambda}$. The exponent $\gamma$ is shown to be non-universal, depending on the strength of the Coulomb interaction. We check our findings, by a direct numerical minimization of the variational energy for chains of increasing size $2^4Comment: to appear in European Phys. Journal E (soft matter)