
FFT-based Selection and Optimization of Statistics for Robust Recognition of Severely Corrupted Images
Document Type
Working Paper
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Improving model robustness in case of corrupted images is among the key challenges to enable robust vision systems on smart devices, such as robotic agents. Particularly, robust test-time performance is imperative for most of the applications. This paper presents a novel approach to improve robustness of any classification model, especially on severely corrupted images. Our method (FROST) employs high-frequency features to detect input image corruption type, and select layer-wise feature normalization statistics. FROST provides the state-of-the-art results for different models and datasets, outperforming competitors on ImageNet-C by up to 37.1% relative gain, improving baseline of 40.9% mCE on severe corruptions.
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