
JWST Reveals Widespread AGN-Driven Neutral Gas Outflows in Massive z ~ 2 Galaxies
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We use deep JWST/NIRSpec R~1000 slit spectra of 113 galaxies at 1.7 < z < 3.5, selected from the mass-complete Blue Jay survey, to investigate the prevalence and typical properties of neutral gas outflows at cosmic noon. We detect excess Na I D absorption (beyond the stellar contribution) in 46% of massive galaxies ($\log$ M$_*$/M$_\odot >$ 10), with similar incidence rates in star-forming and quenching systems. Half of the absorption profiles are blueshifted by at least 100 km/s, providing unambiguous evidence for neutral gas outflows. Galaxies with strong Na I D absorption are distinguished by enhanced emission line ratios consistent with AGN ionization. We conservatively measure mass outflow rates of 3 - 100 $M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$; comparable to or exceeding ionized gas outflow rates measured for galaxies at similar stellar mass and redshift. The outflows from the quenching systems (log(sSFR)[yr$^{-1}$] $\lesssim$ -10) have mass loading factors of 4 - 360, and the energy and momentum outflow rates exceed the expected injection rates from supernova explosions, suggesting that these galaxies could possibly be caught in a rapid blowout phase powered by the AGN. Our findings suggest that AGN-driven ejection of cold gas may be a dominant mechanism for fast quenching of star formation at z~2.
Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS