
Modest dust settling in the IRAS04302+2247 Class I protoplanetary disk
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
We present new VLA observations, between 6.8mm and 66mm, of the edge-on Class~I disk IRAS04302+2247. Observations at 6.8mm and 9.2mm lead to the detection of thermal emission from the disk, while shallow observations at the other wavelengths are used to correct for emission from other processes. The disk radial brightness profile transitions from broadly extended in previous ALMA 0.9mm and 2.1mm observations to much more centrally brightened at 6.8mm and 9.2mm, which can be explained by optical depth effects. The radiative transfer modeling of the 0.9mm, 2.1mm, and 9.2mm data suggests that the grains are smaller than 1cm in the outer regions of the disk and allows us to obtain the first lower limit for the scale height of grains emitting at millimeter wavelengths in a protoplanetary disk. We find that the millimeter dust scale height is between 1au and 6au at a radius 100au from the central star, while the gas scale height is estimated to be about 7au, indicating a modest level of settling. The estimated dust height is intermediate between less evolved Class 0 sources, that are found to be vertically thick, and more evolved Class II sources, which show a significant level of settling. This suggests that we are witnessing an intermediate stage of dust settling.
Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal