
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of charge ordering in Nd1/2Sr1/2MnO3
Document Type
Working Paper
EPL 92, 47001 (2010)
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We observe how the charge-ordering (CO) temperature of Nd1/2Sr1/2MnO3 decreases with the external pressure p from 160 K at p = 0 down to 30 K at p ~ 4.5 GPa, by measuring the values p, T where the far-infrared spectral weight of the metallic phase is fully recovered. We thus determine the (p, T) phase diagram of CO in that manganite. We also find that the parameter d(lnTCO)/dp which describes this metallization from the CO phase is equal and opposite to the quantity d(lnTc)/dp which governs the metallization of the paramagnetic state at comparable Curie temperatures Tc, in similar manganites at half doping.
Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, EPL (2010) in press