
Kitaev Interactions Through an Extended Superexchange Pathway in the jeff = 1/2 Ru3+ Honeycomb Magnet, RuP3SiO11
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Magnetic materials are composed of the simple building blocks of magnetic moments on a crystal lattice that interact via short-range magnetic exchange interactions. Yet from these simple building blocks emerges a remarkable diversity of magnetic states. Some of these, such as ferromagnetism, are familiar in our everyday lives, while others reveal the deep quantum mechanical origins of magnetism. A prime example of the latter are quantum spin liquid (QSL) states in which -- unlike in a ferromagnet where magnetic moments are driven by their exchange interactions to adopt long-range order -- magnetic moments remain disordered at low temperatures but are simultaneously correlated over long length scales through quantum entanglement. A particularly promising theoretical model of a QSL is the Kitaev model, composed of unusual bond-dependent exchange interactions between magnetic moments on a honeycomb lattice. However, the Kitaev QSL is extremely challenging to realise experimentally as it is unstable to competing exchange interactions and crystal lattice perturbations that inevitably arise in real materials. This makes it essential to understand the relationship between the structure and interactions that may give rise to Kitaev interactions in new candidate materials. Here we show that the material requirements for the Kitaev QSL survive for an extended pseudo-edge-sharing superexchange pathway of Ru3+ 4d5 octahedra within the honeycomb layers of the inorganic framework solid, RuP3SiO11. Through materials synthesis and structural characterisation, resonant inelastic X-ray and neutron scattering experiments, we confirm the requisite jeff = 1/2 state of Ru3+ in RuP3SiO11 and resolve the hierarchy of exchange interactions that provide experimental access to an otherwise unexplored region of the extended Kitaev phase diagram.
Comment: 38 Pages, 5 figures, 7 supporting information figures