
Measurement of the Sixth-Order Cumulant of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=$ 27, 54.4, and 200 GeV at RHIC
Document Type
Working Paper
STAR CollaborationAbdallah, M. S.Adam, J.Adamczyk, L.Adams, J. R.Adkins, J. K.Agakishiev, G.Aggarwal, I.Aggarwal, M. M.Ahammed, Z.Alekseev, I.Anderson, D. M.Aparin, A.Aschenauer, E. C.Ashraf, M. U.Atetalla, F. G.Attri, A.Averichev, G. S.Bairathi, V.Baker, W.Cap, J. G. BallBarish, K.Behera, A.Bellwied, R.Bhagat, P.Bhasin, A.Bielcik, J.Bielcikova, J.Bordyuzhin, I. G.Brandenburg, J. D.Brandin, A. V.Bunzarov, I.Butterworth, J.Cai, X. Z.Caines, H.Sánchez, M. Calderón de la BarcaCebra, D.Chakaberia, I.Chaloupka, P.Chan, B. K.Chang, F-H.Chang, Z.Chankova-Bunzarova, N.Chatterjee, A.Chattopadhyay, S.Chen, D.Chen, J.Chen, J. H.Chen, X.Chen, Z.Cheng, J.Chevalier, M.Choudhury, S.Christie, W.Chu, X.Crawford, H. J.Csanád, M.Daugherity, M.Dedovich, T. G.Deppner, I. M.Derevschikov, A. A.Dhamija, A.Di Carlo, L.Didenko, L.Dong, X.Drachenberg, J. L.Duckworth, E.Dunlop, J. C.Elsey, N.Engelage, J.Eppley, G.Esumi, S.Evdokimov, O.Ewigleben, A.Eyser, O.Fatemi, R.Fawzi, F. M.Fazio, S.Federic, P.Fedorisin, J.Feng, C. J.Feng, Y.Filip, P.Finch, E.Fisyak, Y.Francisco, A.Fu, C.Fulek, L.Gagliardi, C. A.Galatyuk, T.Geurts, F.Ghimire, N.Gibson, A.Gopal, K.Gou, X.Grosnick, D.Gupta, A.Guryn, W.Hamad, A. I.Hamed, A.Han, Y.Harabasz, S.Harasty, M. D.Harris, J. W.Harrison, H.He, S.He, W.He, X. H.He, Y.Heppelmann, S.Herrmann, N.Hoffman, E.Holub, L.Hu, Y.Huang, H.Huang, H. Z.Huang, S. L.Huang, T.Huang, X.Huang, Y.Humanic, T. J.Igo, G.Isenhower, D.Jacobs, W. W.Jena, C.Jentsch, A.Ji, Y.Jia, J.Jiang, K.Ju, X.Judd, E. G.Kabana, S.Kabir, M. L.Kagamaster, S.Kalinkin, D.Kang, K.Kapukchyan, D.Kauder, K.Ke, H. W.Keane, D.Kechechyan, A.Khyzhniak, Y. V.Kikoła, D. P.Kim, C.Kimelman, B.Kincses, D.Kisel, I.Kiselev, A.Knospe, A. G.Kochenda, L.Kosarzewski, L. K.Kramarik, L.Kravtsov, P.Kumar, L.Kumar, S.Elayavalli, R. KunnawalkamKwasizur, J. H.Lacey, R.Lan, S.Landgraf, J. M.Lauret, J.Lebedev, A.Lednicky, R.Lee, J. H.Leung, Y. H.Li, C.Li, W.Li, X.Li, Y.Liang, X.Liang, Y.Licenik, R.Lin, T.Lin, Y.Lisa, M. A.Liu, F.Liu, H.Liu, P.Liu, T.Liu, X.Liu, Y.Liu, Z.Ljubicic, T.Llope, W. J.Longacre, R. S.Loyd, E.Lukow, N. S.Luo, X.Ma, L.Ma, R.Ma, Y. G.Magdy, N.Majka, R.Mallick, D.Margetis, S.Markert, C.Matis, H. S.Mazer, J. A.Minaev, N. G.Mioduszewski, S.Mohanty, B.Mondal, M. M.Mooney, I.Morozov, D. A.Mukherjee, A.Nagy, M.Nam, J. D.Nasim, Md.Nayak, K.Neff, D.Nelson, J. M.Nemes, D. B.Nie, M.Nigmatkulov, G.Niida, T.Nishitani, R.Nogach, L. V.Nonaka, T.Nunes, A. S.Odyniec, G.Ogawa, A.Oh, S.Okorokov, V. A.Page, B. S.Pak, R.Pandav, A.Pandey, A. K.Panebratsev, Y.Parfenov, P.Pawlik, B.Pawlowska, D.Pei, H.Perkins, C.Pinsky, L.Pintér, R. L.Pluta, J.Pokhrel, B. R.Ponimatkin, G.Porter, J.Posik, M.Prozorova, V.Pruthi, N. K.Przybycien, M.Putschke, J.Qiu, H.Quintero, A.Racz, C.Radhakrishnan, S. K.Raha, N.Ray, R. L.Reed, R.Ritter, H. G.Robotkova, M.Rogachevskiy, O. V.Romero, J. L.Ruan, L.Rusnak, J.Sahoo, N. R.Sako, H.Salur, S.Sandweiss, J.Sato, S.Schmidke, W. B.Schmitz, N.Schweid, B. R.Seck, F.Seger, J.Sergeeva, M.Seto, R.Seyboth, P.Shah, N.Shahaliev, E.Shanmuganathan, P. V.Shao, M.Shao, T.Sheikh, A. I.Shen, D.Shi, S. S.Shi, Y.Shou, Q. Y.Sichtermann, E. P.Sikora, R.Simko, M.Singh, J.Singha, S.Skoby, M. J.Smirnov, N.Söhngen, Y.Solyst, W.Sorensen, P.Spinka, H. M.Srivastava, B.Stanislaus, T. D. S.Stefaniak, M.Stewart, D. J.Strikhanov, M.Stringfellow, B.Suaide, A. A. P.Sumbera, M.Summa, B.Sun, X. M.Sun, X.Sun, Y.Surrow, B.Svirida, D. N.Sweger, Z. W.Szymanski, P.Tang, A. H.Tang, Z.Taranenko, A.Tarnowsky, T.Thomas, J. H.Timmins, A. R.Tlusty, D.Todoroki, T.Tokarev, M.Tomkiel, C. A.Trentalange, S.Tribble, R. E.Tribedy, P.Tripathy, S. K.Truhlar, T.Trzeciak, B. A.Tsai, O. D.Tu, Z.Ullrich, T.Underwood, D. G.Upsal, I.Van Buren, G.Vanek, J.Vasiliev, A. N.Vassiliev, I.Verkest, V.Videbæk, F.Vokal, S.Voloshin, S. A.Wang, F.Wang, G.Wang, J. S.Wang, P.Wang, Y.Wang, Z.Webb, J. C.Weidenkaff, P. C.Wen, L.Westfall, G. D.Wieman, H.Wissink, S. W.Wu, J.Wu, Y.Xi, B.Xiao, Z. G.Xie, G.Xie, W.Xu, H.Xu, N.Xu, Q. H.Xu, Y.Xu, Z.Yang, C.Yang, Q.Yang, S.Yang, Y.Ye, Z.Yi, L.Yip, K.Yu, Y.Zbroszczyk, H.Zha, W.Zhang, C.Zhang, D.Zhang, J.Zhang, S.Zhang, X. P.Zhang, Y.Zhang, Z. J.Zhang, Z.Zhao, J.Zhou, C.Zhu, X.Zhu, Z.Zurek, M.Zyzak, M.
Nuclear Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
According to first principle Lattice QCD calculations, the transition from quark-gluon plasma to hadronic matter is a smooth crossover in the region $\mu_{\rm B}\leq T_{c}$. In this range the ratio, $C_{6}/C_{2}$, of net-baryon distributions are predicted to be negative. In this paper, we report the first measurement of the midrapidity net-proton $C_{6}/C_{2}$ from 27, 54.4 and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. The dependence on collision centrality and kinematic acceptance in ($p_{T}$, $y$) are analyzed. While for 27 and 54.4 GeV collisions the $C_{6}/C_{2}$ values are close to zero within uncertainties, it is observed that for 200 GeV collisions, the $C_{6}/C_{2}$ ratio becomes progressively negative from peripheral to central collisions. Transport model calculations without critical dynamics predict mostly positive values except for the most central collisions within uncertainties. These observations seem to favor a smooth crossover in the high energy nuclear collisions at top RHIC energy.
Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables (published version)