
Gemini Imaging of the Host Galaxies of Changing-Look Quasars
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Changing-look quasars are a newly-discovered class of luminous active galactic nuclei that undergo rapid ($\lesssim$10 year) transitions between Type 1 and Type 1.9/2, with an associated change in their continuum emission. We characterize the host galaxies of four faded changing-look quasars using broadband optical imaging. We use \textit{gri} images obtained with the Gemini Multi Object Spectrograph (GMOS) on Gemini North to characterize the surface brightness profiles of the quasar hosts and search for [O III] $\lambda4959,\lambda5007$ emission from spatially extended regions, or voorwerpjes, with the goal of using them to examine past luminosity history. Although we do not detect, voorwerpjes surrounding the four quasar host galaxies, we take advantage of the dim nuclear emission to characterize the colors and morphologies of the host galaxies. Three of the four galaxies show morphological evidence of merger activity or tidal features in their residuals. The three galaxies which are not highly distorted are fit with a single S\'ersic profile to characterize their overall surface brightness profiles. The single-S\'ersic fits give intermediate S\'ersic indices between the $n=1$ of disk galaxies and the $n=4$ of ellipticals. On a color-magnitude diagram, our changing-look quasar host galaxies reside in the blue cloud, with other AGN host galaxies and star-forming galaxies. On a color-S\'ersic index diagram the changing-look quasar hosts reside with other AGN hosts in the "green valley". Our analysis suggests that the hosts of changing-look quasars are predominantly disrupted or merging galaxies that resemble AGN hosts, rather than inactive galaxies.
Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures