
A blazar candidate for the Fermi source 4FGL J1848.7-0129
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
The Fermi source 4FGL J1848.7-0129 has been historically related to the globular cluster GLIMPSE-C01 since its very first detection. Although this association is widely accepted, as it appears in the most recent Fermi catalog, it deserves to be revisited given the multi-wavelength evidences and the recent discovery of variable X-ray sources in the Fermi source region. In particular, low frequency radio maps from the Giant Metre Radio Telescope in Pune (India) have been carefully inspected which, together with X-ray data re-analysis from Chandra, lead us to get a deep insight into the candidates to be associated to 4FGL J1848.7-0129. This results in the discovery of a new X-ray variable point source coincident with an unreported non-thermal radio emitter, both of them well inside the 4FGL J1848.7-0129 error ellipse. We analyze and discuss all these observational facts, and we propose now a newly discovered blazar candidate as the most promising responsible for the gamma ray emission in the Fermi source. If confirmed, this result would set constrains on the number of millisecond pulsars in GLIMPSE-C01 or their gamma-ray emission properties.
Comment: 6 pages - 5 figures - 1 table - To appear in MNRAS