
Unraveling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. VI. Strong Ionized Outflows in Type 1 AGNs and the Outflow Size-Luminosity Relation
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present spatially resolved gas kinematics, ionization, and energetics of 11 type 1 and 5 type 2 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with strong ionized gas outflows at z $<0.3$ using Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph Integral Field Unit (GMOS-IFU) data. We find a strongly blueshifted region in [OIII] velocity maps, representing an approaching cone in biconical outflows, and blueshifted and redshifted regions in H$\alpha$ velocity maps, which show gravitationally rotating kinematics. AGN photoionization is dominant in the central region of most targets, and some of them also show ring-like structures of LINER or composite that surround the AGN-dominated center. Following our previous studies, we kinematically determine outflow sizes by the ratio between [OIII] and stellar velocity dispersion. Outflow sizes of type 1 AGNs follow the same kinematic outflow size-[OIII] luminosity relation obtained from the type 2 IFU sample in Kang & Woo and Luo (updated slope $0.29\pm0.04$), while they are limited to the central kpc scales, indicating the lack of global impact of outflows on the interstellar medium. Small mass outflow rates and large star formation rates of the combined sample support that there is no evidence of rapid star formation quenching by outflows, which is consistent with the delayed AGN feedback.
Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ