
The greedy independent set in a random graph with given degrees
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Probability
Mathematics - Combinatorics
60C05, 05C80, 60J27
We analyse the size of an independent set in a random graph on $n$ vertices with specified vertex degrees, constructed via a simple greedy algorithm: order the vertices arbitrarily, and, for each vertex in turn, place it in the independent set unless it is adjacent to some vertex already chosen. We find the limit of the expected proportion of vertices in the greedy independent set as $n \to \infty$, expressed as an integral whose upper limit is defined implicitly, valid whenever the second moment of a random vertex degree is uniformly bounded. We further show that the random proportion of vertices in the independent set converges to the jamming constant as $n \to \infty$. The results hold under weaker assumptions in a random multigraph with given degrees constructed via the configuration model.
Comment: 25 pages