
Actively Learning Combinatorial Optimization Using a Membership Oracle
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Mathematics - Optimization and Control
We consider solving a combinatorial optimization problem with an unknown linear constraint using a membership oracle that, given a solution, determines whether it is feasible or infeasible with absolute certainty. The goal of the decision maker is to find the best possible solution subject to a budget on the number of oracle calls. Inspired by active learning based on Support Vector Machines (SVMs), we adapt a classical framework in order to solve the problem by learning and exploiting a surrogate linear constraint. The resulting new framework includes training a linear separator on the labeled points and selecting new points to be labeled, which is achieved by applying a sampling strategy and solving a 0-1 integer linear program. Following the active learning literature, one can consider using SVM as a linear classifier and the information-based sampling strategy known as Simple margin. We improve on both sides: we propose an alternative sampling strategy based on mixed-integer quadratic programming and a linear separation method inspired by an algorithm for convex optimization in the oracle model. We conduct experiments on the pure knapsack problem and on a college study plan problem from the literature to show how different linear separation methods and sampling strategies influence the quality of the results in terms of objective value.