
Direct Visualization of Disorder Driven Electronic Liquid Crystal Phases in Dirac Nodal Line Semimetal GdSbTe
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Electronic liquid crystal (ELC) phases are spontaneous symmetry breaking states believed to arise from strong electron correlation in quantum materials such as cuprates and iron pnictides. Here, we report a direct observation of ELC phases in a Dirac nodal line (DNL) semimetal GdSbxTe2-x. Electronic nanostructures consisting of incommensurate smectic charge modulation and intense local nematic order are visualized by using spectroscopic imaging - scanning tunneling microscopy. As topological materials with symmetry protected Dirac or Weyl fermions are mostly weakly correlated, the discovery of such ELC phases are anomalous and raise questions on the origin of their emergence. Specifically, we demonstrate how chemical substitution generates these symmetry breaking phases before the system undergoes a charge density wave - orthorhombic structural transition. We further show how dopants can induce nematicity via quasiparticle scattering interference. Our results highlight the importance of impurities in realizing ELC phases and present a new material platform for exploring the interplay among quenched disorder, topology and electron correlation.