
Band Geometry Induced High-Angular Momentum Excitonic Superfluid in Gapped Chiral Fermion Systems
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We study the exciton condensation in the heterostructures where the electron layer and hole layer formed by gapped chiral Fermion (GCF) systems are separately gated. High-angular momentum such as p- and d-wave like excitonic pairing may emerge when the gap of the GCF systems is small compared to the Fermi energy, and the chiral winding number of the electrons and holes are the same. This is a result of the non-trivial band geometry and can be linked to the Berry curvature when projected onto the Fermi surface. In realistic systems, we propose that staggered graphene and magnetic topological surface states are promising candidates for realizing p-wave exciton superfluid, and anomalous Hall conductivity can be used as a signature in experiments.