
Floquet Engineering of Hilbert Space Fragmentation in Stark Lattices
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
The concept of Hilbert space fragmentation (HSF) has recently been put forward as a routine to break quantum ergodicity. While HSF widely exists in dynamical constraint models, it is still challenging to tune HSF. Here, we propose a scheme to tune HSF in a one-dimensional tilted lattice of interacting spinless fermions with periodically driven tunneling. The dynamics is governed by effective Hamiltonians with kinetic constraints, which appear as density-dependent tunneling in the weak-tunneling perturbation expansion. The kinetic constraint can be tuned via changing the driving frequency, and three different kinds of strong HSF can be engineered. In general, the system is strongly constrained and exhibits a strong HSF. Two partial resonance frequencies are analytically given by a time-dependent perturbation theory for Floquet systems, at which some kinetic constraints are released and the system exhibits another two different strong HSF. We demonstrate the perturbation analysis with exact numerical simulation of the entanglement entropy, the density correlation functions and the saturated local density profiles. Our result provides a promising way to control HSF through Floquet engineering.